Friday, June 11, 2010


Today I really feel like the group bonded as a whole. The day I've been waiting for :) Our first stop was at J.C. Le Roux. The setting of the vineyard was beautiful. We took a mini tour of the winery and then sat down to sample about five different sparking wines. I ended up with five bottles when I got on the bus to head to lunch. Meganne and I thought ahead and bought some cheese and crackers to munch on during the day so we didn't have to purchase lunch. Instead we walked around the cute town of Franschhoek/Stellenbosch, I got a gorgeous pair of earrings, I decided to if your reading this, you can wear them too :) After lunch we went to tour Solms Delta. They had set up a table outside under the sun for us to sample their wines. Everyone is so hospitable here, I love it. We really enjoyed the day as a group, there was a lot of bonding going on today, maybe because of the wine, but either way, we had a great time.
After dinner, I was worn out, we had a great dinner and then I caught up on entries. There was a plan set to go to The Grand West Casino for the night, because we sometimes get bored at night, since we are staying in a "sleepy" town. Meganne and I decided we did not want to go because we were tired and did not want to spend money. Unfortunately we were told we had to go because we asked for group bonding time. Not in a good mood or dressed for the occasion, we headed for the Casino. We went ice skating, bowling, had another glass of wine, and played in the arcade. I made the best of the night. We ended up leaving two people at the casino because they were not at the bus in time, hopefully it will teach them a lesson.

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